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What to Do if You're a Teen in Pain and Want to Heal:

What to Do if You're a Teen in Pain and Want to Heal:

  1. Create a 30-day plan – Commit to small, positive changes for the next month.
  2. Make a gratitude list – Write down things you have right now that you're thankful for.
  3. Focus on your list daily – Keep these positive things in your mind as much as possible.
  4. Feel gratitude – Truly appreciate the small things you already have.
  5. Monitor your media intake – For one week, only watch positive and uplifting content—avoid anything negative.
  6. Build on your joy – As you start to feel a little better, add more things to your gratitude list.
  7. Dwell on gratitude daily – Think about these positive things throughout your daily routine, even while doing small tasks like brushing your teeth.
  8. Trust that the pain will fade – Healing takes time, but it will get better. Believe in the process.
  9. Shift your focus – The more you concentrate on positive things instead of your pain, the more you’ll notice improvement.
  10. Find a new hobby – Try something different outside of your usual phone games. Explore activities that get you outside and help you meet new friends.

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