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How to Recognize a Pattern You Keep Repeating in Your Life: What to Do, and How to Change These Habits?

How to Recognize a Pattern You Keep Repeating in Your Life: What to Do, and How to Change These Habits?

  1. Listen to those around you – If close friends or family notice and point out that you're repeating a pattern, listen carefully.
  2. Start a 6-month journal – Be honest with yourself and document the events that keep repeating in your life.
  3. Identify negative cycles – Are you accepting physical or emotional abuse from your partner?
  4. Examine your role – Did you start this relationship by trying to rescue them? If so, why?
  5. Understand your need to rescue – Write down why you feel the need to save others instead of focusing on yourself.
  6. Think about your own needs – What do you truly want for your life?
  7. Believe you deserve more – Do you believe you’re worthy of a healthier, more fulfilling relationship?
  8. Define your ideal partner – Write down your qualities and what kind of person would be a true match for you.
  9. Seek balance in relationships – A healthy relationship should be balanced, with both partners contributing, rather than one person constantly rescuing the other.
  10. Review your notes regularly – Stick to your journal and reflect daily or weekly. Follow through with your insights and stay committed to what you deserve, to break the cycle and avoid repeating the same patterns.

    Here’s the link to get started…

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