How to Recognize a Pattern You Keep Repeating in Your Life: What to Do, and How to Change These Habits?
How to Recognize a Pattern You Keep Repeating in Your Life: What to Do, and How to Change These Habits? Listen to those around you – If close friends or family notice and point out that you're repeating a pattern, listen carefully. Start a 6-month journal – Be honest with yourself and document the events that keep repeating in your life. Identify negative cycles – Are you accepting physical or emotional abuse from your partner? Examine your role – Did you start this relationship by trying to rescue them? If so, why? Understand your need to rescue – Write down...
Why Do I Find Pleasure in Making Someone Close to Me Look Bad or Calling Them a Liar? How Can I Change This Habit and Feel Good?
Why Do I Find Pleasure in Making Someone Close to Me Look Bad or Calling Them a Liar? How Can I Change This Habit and Feel Good? Acknowledge your behavior – You may find yourself lying about them without realizing the harm you're causing. Do a deep self-reflection – Examine why you feel the need to do this before karma catches up. Karma is real. Make a list – What do they have that you don’t? Identify these areas without comparing yourself to them. Focus on self-improvement – Look at your list and see what changes you can make...
What Does It Mean to Trust the Process, and How Do You Accept the Time It Takes?
What Does It Mean to Trust the Process, and How Do You Accept the Time It Takes? Clear your life of negativity – Let go of past anger and resentment. Face those who hurt you – Let them know you're on a new path and won't tolerate anger or disputes in the future. Forgive them, no matter what – Even if they never apologize or acknowledge their actions, let karma handle them. Let go of past pain – Holding onto resentment only hurts you, and it will hurt deeply. Believe me, it's not worth it. Trust the process – Whether...
Be Thankful for What You Have: How to Practice Gratitude
Be Thankful for What You Have: How to Practice Gratitude List what you have that others may not – Recognize the blessings in your life that are often taken for granted. Keep your list handy – Reflect on these blessings daily, and be grateful for the good in your life to attract even more. Say them out loud – While doing your morning routine, like brushing your teeth, repeat your gratitude list daily. Feel it in your heart – Start when you truly feel the gratitude in your heart, body, and mind. Be honest with yourself – Start small and...
Why Am I Angry All the Time? What Should I Do? How Can I Recover and Start a New Journey?
Why Am I Angry All the Time? What Should I Do? How Can I Recover and Start a New Journey? Commit to a 6-month journal – Create a strict to-do list and focus on it daily. Be honest with yourself – Acknowledge that you're wasting time and not living your best life. Examine your anger – Are you angry at women around you, like your ex-wife or sister? Why? Are they stronger than you? Is it jealousy? Test your masculinity – Are you truly angry because you feel insecure? Ask yourself why you're feeling this way. Consider your male relationships...